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Become your best self at work

We help leaders, aspiring leaders, and teams grow and develop to meet and exceed their goals! 

Benefits of Our Work

  • Drive individual and team engagement*

  • Improve your time management and get more done*

  • Communicate more effectively*

  • Lead impactful change*

  • Increase profitability**

  • Increase quality**

  • Increase productivity**

  • Deepen your understanding of yourself and your reputation*

  • Align your team(s) around key goals and performance metrics*

  • Flesh out ideas with a trusted confidential thought partner*

*These are outcomes clients have achieved through work with us

** These are outcomes clients have achieved through work with us AND they are consistent with Gallup research that shows a median 23% advantage in profitability, a median 41% advantage in quality of products/services, and a median 18% increase in productivity



Executive Coaching

Thought partnership with senior leaders to help them explore ideas and approaches


Team Coaching

Short- or long-term work with teams to help them work better together

Behavioral Coaching

One-on-one work with a motivated, valued leader to help meet behavioral goals


Leadership-Development Coaching

One-on-one partnership with an individual who wants to gain leadership skills, awareness, and presence


Corporate Training

Live or remote instructor-led training in soft skills and best practices.


  • We derive satisfaction from helping people grow and discover their power and their ability to learn.

  • We believe in creating environments that are safe for and conducive to learning, experimentation, failure, recovery, and exploration, and growth.

  • We believe in and truly care for people - and their goals for themselves and their organizations.

  • Everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

  • Humor is welcome, particularly as it encourages inquiry.

  • Curiosity is our ally.

  • Confidentiality is fundamental to our work.


In coaching and facilitation, there are really three questions:

What's up?

What does it mean? 

What next?

But there's a wealth of opportunity in exploring the responses to those questions. And that's where our work with our clients lives.

© 2023, The Mitch Lippman Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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